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Iván González Gaínza

Creativity blooms, in the form of wine poems

On the 18th of March 2020, just 3 days into our enforced lockdown here in Mallorca, Vicki Mcleod (writer and photographer extraordinaire) created a public group on Facebook called 'Majorca Mallorca, At Home Together'.

The group was primarily created to support and help people during the Corona Virus epidemic. Over the weeks the group grew daily and today 2.3k members have now joined, from all over the world, either to contribute to the group or to join in with one of the many activities available (such as live cookery lessons, crafts, music, jokes, quizzes, exercise classes, ideas for kids, online courses, cultural sessions, book reading and more).

As members of this group, we decided to create a competition to inspire creativity. We asked everyone to 'put their thinking caps on' and come up with unique poems about wine. After the closing date, we sent all of the wine poems to Vicki and she chose her five favourites. The group 'Majorca, Mallorca, At Home Together' then voted for the final winner.

Carol-Anne Wilson was the winner of this competition with this fantastic poem:

It's a wonderful story - Wine Poem by Carole-Anne Wilson

And the prize? just had to be a rather lovely bottle of wine of course. We gave Carol-Anne a bottle of Maisulan Sobremoro. Maisulan is a small, biodynamic vineyard located in the Rioja Alavesa region of Spain and Sobremoro is their top-end red wine:

We were so impressed with the poems we received that we have decided to share some of our favourites with you...

Thanks to Jessica Tatam. Erica Lay, James Van Breght, Kristy Brooks, Ronald Wilson, Tania Kane, Daxa Parmar, Adèle Chrétien, Melanie Winters, Stuart Bray, and Rachael Wilson for all of your wonderful poems!

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